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Sunday Services


1323 North East Road, Tea Tree Gully or online


10:15 Good Morning Torrens Valley! preservice session

10:30 Worship service commences


Relaxed, friendly atmosphere

Contemporary worship music

Inspiring Bible-based message

Children's church program

Living Room Cafe




Celebrate and learn about God's love

in a fun environment

during our Sunday services.


bible stories

games and drama

songs and crafts


Babies and children are welcome to remain in the main auditorium.

A nursery and playroom are available at the rear of the cafe,

where the service is broadcast on TV. 

be inspired!

Gather in person or online at our Sunday services or connect groups to be inspired, uplifted and transformed by God's life-changing Word. Hear stories from people excited to share the joy and blessing of following Jesus.

be equipped!

Learn about God's faithful love for each one of us and His wisdom for life. Be equipped, guided and empowered by the Holy Spirit to discover and fulfil the purposes you were created for.

make a difference!

Build new relationships with people of all ages and from a range of ethnic, social and vocational backgrounds. Enjoy opportunities to serve others within the church community and beyond.

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